domestic heating solutions
If certain work sequences are not going to be carried out for a certain period of
time on individual days, e.g. due to absence, but the entire control system is not
going to be switched off, e.g. due to frost protection, proceed as follows:
Press the button on the remote control. Select the day to be deleted by pressing
the button again. Then press the button to activate the selected day.
Then press the button until you get to the end of the week. Programme “01”
appears. Press the button to delete the entire day. The word “good” appears on
the remote control display, and the entries for this day are deleted.
The entries for multiple days can also be deleted in this way by proceeding
as follows when selecting the days:
Press the button repeatedly until you reach the day you wish to delete. Activate
the day by pressing the button (flashes quickly). Press the button again to
move to the next day to be deleted, and activate by pressing the button. Proceed
in the same way for any additional days you wish to delete. Then press the button
until you get to the end of the week. Programme “01” appears on the display. Press
the button; all selected days are deleted.
7.3 Temporarily switching
off certain work
sequences and
radiator temperature, and 15-35°C (in 1°C increments) for the room temperature.
Once the desired temperature has been confirmed, the start time prompt will ap-
pear at the bottom edge of the display. A large “02” is shown as the caption, indi-
cating the 2nd work sequence. A total of 4 different work sequences (01–04) can
be set for each day.
If you do not wish to enter 4 work programmes for selected days press the button
for the last entered programme and then press the button as soon as the new
number for the next programme appears. This ends the programme entry, the word
“good” appears on the display and the device switches to the standard display.
Please note that if you have selected multiple days for the aforementioned entries,
all of these days will work with the same programmes. If you want to have differ-
ent times or temperatures for one or more days, you will need to select these days
separately, either individually or as a group.
If you want Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to work with the same programmes...
...select these days and enter the data. If you want to specify a different entry for
Friday... ...go to the data entry again, enter the required data and then confirm. If
you want to specify different times for Saturday and Sunday... ...select these days
and enter common programmes. In this example on Thursday should be no heating
at all... ...select Thursday and make sure that not start/stop time is set.